Monday, 11 January 2016

Study Session #5

Information regarding Study Session: Study Session Information

So I played and study on Saturday but was really busy after to really post anything. Sunday wasn't really a better day either. Anyway on to the study:

Hand #1 - KJs - Defend/Raised
(External Link: KJs)

Hand #2: T9o - Defend
(External Link: T9o)



(External Link: AJo)


Conclusion: I am short on words for this study session due to the fact that lately I have been doing a bunch of other stuff so my thoughts are not complete. However, this is a great opportunity to look at the hand without any of my comment making any hand bias.


Results (Overall result):

Defend: Mistake (40%)
Aggressor: Mistake (20%)
Raised: Correct (40%)

Total percentage (Total Hands): 33.33% (15)


  1. KJss hand is interesting because you use the board on the flop well but maybe not your range. Then you check the Ace which should hit him but if you can raise that board you want him to have an ace so it's always a bet to be consistent.

    1. Im finding alot of spots like this where in my exploitative style i could just apply alot of pressure to his paired hands that continue here, but in my unexploitable game I'm more picky about spots i choose because each street the bluffs get less and less. My plan in my exploitative game is to have enough backdoor combos so no matter what come majority of the time i have combos to continue with which would meet the criteria of lessening my bluffs. So im more curious about how you would construct your range here?

  2. Hopefully I'd put KJss and some other backdoor naked draws into the floating range, and raise with more of the gutters, as they have blockers to the hands I want to represent. Maybe we have the same problem on the turn where I have to drop some bluffs. In reading your blog I realize I am not used to thinking about so many combos!

    1. Ahh... Now we are accomplishing something because usually i would let me gutshots, straight draws and flushes go in my checking range to balance out my check back and raise turn combos since straight draws and flush draws combos are 1. Stronger and 2. A very small percentage like the 2prs+ combos im checking back.... So if we are putting some of those backdoors in our calling range, just which backdoors are you calling with and how would you balance it off? .......... Yea once you start thinking in combos it really starts to get complex especially dealing with wide ranges.... I think exploitative style have a easier way of doing things, you attack their mistakes and the most you do really is balance your value spots with bluffs when needed.. I feel your pain when thinking about alot of combos its really a headache at times because its so much combos but i personally feel if i could master this then managing a smaller set of combos will be much easier.

    2. Will get back to you... going to be very busy at the tables for the next 72 hrs.

  3. Actually haven't forgotten about this, just still behind on everything. GL

    1. It's okay, and thanks for the support. I've been reading your blog post on the go, its quite the entertainment, I just haven't been doing much commenting.
