Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Study Session #10

Information regarding study session: Study Session Information

So during this study session, I ran into a trivia that I will be posting on Red Chip Forums to see if I can get some feedback on. I'll actually post that hand up first for anybody redirected here because I am really curious in finding a solution to it.

Hand #1: AQo - Aggressor

(External Link: AQo)

Comment: So I'm back in a spot where I am noticing my range will have less than the optimal continuing %. For me, this means I would have a higher checking frequency than normal. My problem came with if I should be falling back into a more exploitative route where once I check, it's obvious I don't have nothing good at all since I can't really split my range. Having a higher frequency would mean I should give up more? It puts me in tough spots on the river where my range is Capped really hard.

So I am really thinking about this spot, and my only thing I can think of is to check my entire range here, allowing me to have the right calling range, raising range and river range where I don't get exploited. However, there are 2 problems to this:

1. OOP I may have to face 2 bets rather than just 1 &
2. I give up value.


Hand #2: J6o - Defend (NOTE: The Ks is not in my hand! I have Jc 6d)

(External Link: J6o)

Comment: So this hand taught me the importance of playing my bottom pairs optimally.

The problem that made me think alot is the river play. It's a spot where I think I have to live with the fact that I am going to be extremely weak when I check here. I am not willing to put strong combos in that range and risk losing value, but at the same time, what happens when I encounter a better player who may pick up on this and start checking back to do some overbetting, etc.?


Hand #3: Q9o - Defend/Raised

(External Link: Q9o)

Comment: Nothing much to be said about this hand really, just was curious if I ever am folding any of my value hands I raised with here in this spot.


Conclusion: My main focus right now is those spots like the AQo where I could find myself Capped really hard. Having spots where I am capped is more problematic in the long run and If I am going to compete at the higher limits, I need to have something close to unexploitable. However, for the players at higher limits that do not notice this, I can really exploit alot of players on the flip side of it. That's probably more valuable than fixing my range, which still is important.


Results (Overall Results):

Aggressor: Not Sure but will put under mistake since I have no clear Correct Play. (20%)
Defend: Mistake (25%)
Raised: Correct (44.44%)

Total Percentage (Total Hands): 29.63% (27)

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